Birthing Life T'ai-Chi



Learning T’ai-Chi

How To Begin






Classes held at
Twin Cities Friends Meeting
1725 Grand Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55105
and via Zoom


Master Robert Larsen, founder of the Birthing Life T’ai-Chi Center, originally studied with Master Cheng Man-ch’ing in New York City and has practiced and taught the art of T’ai-Chi for over 50 years. Robert has experience in several martial arts, including 12 years of Aikido, and has taught Yoga, Zen meditation, and Kundalini.

In his study of archetypal psychology and dream work, Robert has worked and studied closely with James Hillman, Arnold and Amy Mindell, and Robert Bosnak. He also studied with the Minnesota Jung Association and Pacifica Graduate Institute. Travels have taken Robert around the world to study with teachers and live in aboriginal villages. Robert lives in Portland, Oregon, near his daughter and grandson.

Sifu Rob Grunewald has practiced and taught T’ai-Chi for over 25 years. Rob’s first experiences with T’ai-Chi, meditation, and yoga were on a study abroad program in Asia in 1992. A few years later he started teaching T’ai-Chi at the Birthing Life T’ai-Chi Center and for several years taught T’ai-Chi at the Uptown YWCA and St. Paul YWCA. Rob complements T’ai-Chi, which is inspired by the movement of animals, with lots of activities in nature, including wildlife tracking, wilderness camping, and cross-country skiing. Rob lives on a rural homestead in northwest Wisconsin with his wife and daughter.

Off-Site Demonstrations
and Class Instruction

If you are interested in having a teacher provide a Tai-Chi demonstration or introductory class, please e-mail

Below is a list of organizations where Birthing Life Tai-Chi teachers have taught ongoing classes and demonstrations.

Ongoing Classes
Cottage Grove Community Center
Downtown YWCA
Marcy Open School
Midtown YWCA
Portland Avenue Health Club
St. Paul YWCA
Southdale YMCA
Southwest Community Center
Uptown YWCA

Anoka Fitness Center
Azur Health Group
Camp Unistar (1 week intensive)
Century College
Elementary schools
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Maple Grove High School
Minnesota and Wisconsin Cooperatives Annual Meeting
Northeast Family and Community Resource Center
Plymouth Congregational Church
Plymouth Youth Center
Roseville Alternative School
St. Paul Academy